Monday, 20 June 2016

Parenthood – What’s your reason?

Aah! You clicked the link and reached the blog! Awesome read on.

I believe our society is very nosey! Yeah everyone spends a lot of time and energy trying to understand what someone else is up to. 

The newlyweds barely complete one month anniversary and get asked when they will expand their family??

In hard core Bambaiya Hindi, ”Abbe tereko ko kya?” is perhaps what the couple want to say, instead manage a faint smile. But it doesn’t stop there, time and again some neighbouring aunty, distant in-laws, old maids etc… continue their torture. You also hear some ‘good old advice’ like oh the child keeps the family intact, or you need to continue your family name or you need someone to talk to in your old age etc…

I thought of exploring a few of these reasons of parenthood –

The child keeps the family intact: Really? Has no one heard of separated parents, single parents etc? The ONLY persons to keep the family intact are the couple. No one else I repeat no one else can keep the family intact. Besides in India stories of letting go of the wife because she gave birth to girls is not really uncommon and I will not digress to that world!

Continue the family name: Does it really matter? Besides, the constitution of our country permits an adult to choose his or her name. Have we not heard of actors dropping their surnames or taking on new screen names. So who are we fooling? Besides the least we can do is to ask the child if they are excited about continuing our surnames. Lest they belong to a family of criminals, or wanted, or have embarassing surnames etc…

It is so much fun: Fun? Yeah right! Changing diapers about 45 time a day [exaggerated], cleaning vomits, handling a cranky baby all day long, about 12 to 14 rounds of breast feeds – whosoever counts these as fun thing? The fun moments are when the baby takes a nap and you can sit on the pot and finish your job UNDISTURBED! Or relish a ginger tea or get a chance to dress up in decent attire [provided you still fit in them]. Having a baby eventually also means having one more person to cook for! Boss take a relook at your definition of fun.

Child fulfils your desires: Why should the child do anything like that? The child is an independent, intelligent being, so why exactly should he or she fulfil your desires; they perhaps have their own! Oh I wanted to be a dancer but I couldn’t so I want my child to learn dance, OR Oh I didn’t get a chance to act in the TV so I want my child to act now. WHY????? Give the kid a breather. The kid is just about trying to understand their environment, learn new tasks, understand relationship and you want this kid to live your dream? When will they live their own dream?

Someone to talk to in your old age: You think so? Firstly if your dentures are intact perhaps you can manage a few words, secondly if the auditory sense functions well you can probably hear! Now whatsoever makes anyone think the child will grow up and not have a LIFE? The child will have their own world, experiences and other responsibilities. Perhaps they will be busy trying to earn a living inorder to pay EMIS for their houses, cars etc.. Just like you left that child at the day care centre to fulfill your own dreams of financial independence, the child in his/her adulthood will have their dreams to fulfill.

If you have reached to this part of the article then VOLA congratulations!! Now let me tell you I am not a sarcastic b***h who gets cheap thrills to breaks the bubble.

I just want to tell you to keep your expectations low and enjoy the current moment [self talk :) ].

Seriously, while there are the puke and potty accidents there are also the gurgles, cooing and incessant laughter of the baby that cannot be got in exchange of anything else in the world.

My kid constantly amazes me, it’s a reminder that miracles happen!

He came through me; but to think he came for me is a FOLLY!

He is a free spirited individual with his own chalked out journey. Surely our paths have crossed and will continue to do so as long as we enhance and help each other’s growth. But dwelling in the past and getting him to lead my childhood is so so so avoidable.

As parents we have a few responsibilities:
  • Fill the child with so much self-love that the child becomes independent, self-reliant and has an amazing intuition power. 
  • Such that he contributes to the healing with every individual he/she touches.
  • Make the child a responsible individual, because once the parents are done the outside world has to deal with them.
  • I think its important to display our love for the nation so that they can pick it from us and have a pride for their own nation and can add to its growth.
  • Be prepared to learn your lessons from them. Yes they have beautiful things to teach us; if only we are open. [more on this on my next blog post].
  • Last and the difficult one - let go of the child. So that the child blooms, explores, experiences and soars to his/her best ability and highest good.

What? You are still with me on this post, superb. Do write in the comments section below your reasons for parenthood.

And if you are still at that 'planning' stage aah you are at the right place and hopefully will make an informed decision.

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